Unrivaled Visibility Into Your Trial

One place to view and manage your trial operations.

Woman at computer
Operational Insights

Turn real-time insights into action – with AI

With Saama’s Operational Insights, built-in AI automatically surfaces key trial insights. Centralized, role-specific dashboards allow users to quickly action these insights to efficiently advance trials and proactively mitigate risks. Unblock obstacles to study startup, improve decision making, monitor KPIs, assign and track tasks, and accelerate your time to market – today.


Operational Insights
collaboration and transparency

With all team members working from the same data, collaboration is a breeze. Easily assign tasks and set alerts, increasing collaboration within and between study teams.

Monitor site performance in real-time
Reduce time to action with AI generated insights

AI-generated summaries alert teams to issues that require action or further investigation. Directly assign tasks to drive team members to action, faster.

Source to Submission (S2S)
Accelerate study startup

Monitor and act on study, country, and site level start-up activities in a single location. Unblock any obstacle with real-time metrics and automatically tracked milestones.

Operational Insights
Create and manage all KPIs centrally

Configure, approve, and manage KPIs in a single, integrated workflow. Compare metrics within and across studies with a centralized KPI library.

Drill Down
Single place to monitor study, country, and site level KPIs

With intuitive navigation and data availability across source systems, users can quickly navigate from executive to study to site level and complete their entire workflow and KPI management – all in one place.

Data Hub

Quickly identify and remove roadblocks, accelerating time to study completion


Gain complete visibility into your trial operations.

Operational Insights
Executive dashboard

Explore interactive dashboards with high level visuals for your entire portfolio. Combined with Data Hub, you can view clinical, operational, and financial data together.

Operational Insights
Portfolio dashboards

View insights across all studies and systems – including clinical, operational, and financial data – from a single location.

Operational Insights
Study analytics

Perform analytics on milestone cycle times, operational challenges, and quality indicators to identify and remove barriers to enrollment and database lock.

Country Analytics
Country analytics

Surface country-level trends in cycle times and quality indicators to resolve country-specific challenges.

Operational Insights
Site analytics

View subject enrollment and disposition, site activation, quality, data completeness, and more on a site by site basis.

Operational Insights

Visualize trends over time for key indicators such as enrollment, site status, and issues. Track trial progress in real-time and monitor the effects of any corrective actions taken.

One view KPI dashboard

One dashboard to monitor study, country, and site level KPIs.

Operational Insights
Configurable KPI library

Configure KPIs and their thresholds in one easy to manage workflow.

Operational Insights
Configurable visuals and dashboards

Easily configure visuals and dashboards “out of the box” to fit your needs. No custom report builds or maintenance is required.

Operational Insights
Study startup module

Single location to monitor and act on study, country, and site level study start-up activities.

Smart Data Quality (SDQ)
AI-generated insights

AI-generated summaries provide actionable insights, including summaries of patterns, outliers, and threshold breaches, to alert teams to issues that require further action or investigation.

Patient Insights
Tasks and notification

Assign tasks to any team member or vendor that can be automatically tracked, so users can ensure completion.

Office Workers

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